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 Rowing towards sustainability 

Founded in

We operate in 
3 continents

15 Programmes
and Initiatives

173 045

living trees

Sales of more than 
8 M tons of CO2e

get involded

Get Involved!
We help you materialize your desired positive impacts

For Business

Claims about sustainable business

are only real if they are tangible.

We have created three options adaptable to your operations and engaged with international initiatives.  Whether you want to compensate your carbon footprint, create positive impacts through trees and agroforestry, or support organic farmers and fair value chains – we help you make those concepts concrete and robust! 

For Individuals

If you are amongst the people that believe that is possible to make changes in our food and agricultural systems, and therefore to have an impact on our Planet’s landscapes, you can find here a few options that should allow you to support this cause. You will be able to follow the changes and see the impact of your support with a reliable mix of field and remote sensing reporting, and round tables with farmers.


Ubá Sustainability Institute is engaged in developing initiatives committed to the protection and restoration of ecosystems, putting in place different techniques to ensure the provision of ecosystem services and social and economical development.

We are part of the global and regional initiatives

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável

Ana Primavesi
Sustainable Farming and Restoration Program

Ana Primavesi Program is a grouped carbon project developed in two Brazilian biomes, that are biodiversity hotspots: Atlantic Forest and Cerrado. The purpose is to restore ecosystem services and improve rural livelihoods through two main project activities: implementation of ecosystem restoration and agroforestry systems.

The Ana Primavesi Program is registered on the Verra platform under the ID number 4841 and is in the process of VCS (Verified Carbon Standard) and CCB (Climate, Community, Biodiversity) certification, inserted in AFOLU (Agriculture, Forest, and Other Land Uses) sector, using the MDL AR-AMC0003 methodology

Access here the Program's folder!

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